Hannibal-LaGrange University

Roster Verification

Hannibal-LaGrange University

Roster Verification

Assigned Courses for


Below is a list of courses you are assigned as an instructor that have started that need roster verification responses. Please note that courses do not appear below until the course has started.

To complete the roster verification, please read the definition of academic participation, and then click the edit button and record whether each student has particpated. Please submit your roster by the roster due date listed for the course. If you complete your roster prior to the add/drop date of the course, you will be notified of additional students you need to complete the roster verification for..


Supervised/Manually Added Courses

Below is a list of courses you are assigned as a supervisor for or that were manually added for you that need roster verification responses. Please complete the roster verifications or contact the instructor to have them complete the roster verification.
